Early morning walks on the beach were the norm for Alex, Jason and I. Jason's girlfriend never joined us, she preferred sleeping in, but he was like me. A morning person. Our mother had been a morning person too. Alex swung our hands and laughed with Jason as they talked, but I stared out at the sunrise. I was paying enough attention to know that they were planning a horrible joke for Amanda when she woke up and I rolled my eyes. They were like kids again when it came to April first. They loved it. They turned into completely immature ten year olds instead of the twenty four year olds they were. Alex and Jason had been best friends growing up, but I hadn't started dating Alex until more recently. It had taken years of him trying to talk me around to going on a date with him before I finally said yes. We had only been together three months, but he had already basically lived at the beach house with us. Amanda, my brother's girlfriend, had been a fixture in our household s...
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